Government response to the Tentative List

July 27, 2023 Published by Alex McCoskrie

Following a comprehensive process, the new UK Tentative List was announced by Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay, Minister for Heritage, back on Monday 10 April 2023.

The 2023 UK Tentative List comprises:

  • Birkenhead the People’s Park (Cultural site)
  • East Atlantic Flyway – England East Coast Wetlands (Natural site)
  • The Flow Country (Natural site)
  • Gracehill Moravian Church Settlements (Cultural, Transnational site)
  • Little Cayman Marine Parks and Protected Areas (Natural site)
  • York (Cultural site)
  • The Zenith of Iron Age Shetland (Cultural site)

New sites to the list will continue to develop their nominations, then undergo a mandatory UNESCO preliminary assessment and UK technical evaluation before submitting their nominations to UNESCO.

Following the review of the Tentative List, the UK State Party reconfirms its commitment to support UNESCO’s efforts to rebalance the global list, by focusing on areas underrepresented on the global list and by supporting other States Parties in developing their nominations.

Heritage sites considering designations can read guidance on transnational or transboundary nominations and UNESCO and UK heritage designations here.

The Government’s report can be found here.